Chikunguniya and the role of Homeopathic treatment

 The name Chikunguniya is derived from the makonde word, which implies something that bends up. This is due to the fact that the impacted person by this disease becomes stooped up as the joints are impacted. 

Chikunguniya is a viral fever, which deploys through mosquito bites from the Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. A research conducted by Pasteur institute claims that the virus has undergone mutation which allows it to be transmitted the Aedes alopictus mosquitoes also called Asian tiger mosquito.

Chikungunya virus is a member of the genus alphavirus, in the family Togaviridae. CHIKV was first isolated from the blood of a febrile patient in Tanzania in 1953. It has since been recognized repeatedly in west, central and southern Africa and various areas of Asia, and has been cited as the cause of various human epidemics in those areas as that time.

Homeopathic treatment

The best homeopathy treatment Pune can be very beneficial during epidemics. The remedy that is chosen on the symptoms that are featured during the epidemic called the Genus Epidemicus. The genus epidemicus when given to the people where there is an outbreak, it will assist people in not getting infected with the epidemic disease. 

In a homeopathy clinic near me, there are medicines, which can be given as a prophylactic medicine that will assist the person to prevent the disease when there is an outbreak of specific diseases.

Please consult the homeopathic doctors in Pune before taking the medicines as your homeopath will be the ideal person to arrive with the remedy that will suit your situation. Please don’t take medicines on your own.

Precautions in diet during the homeopathic treatment

As the medicines are absorbed through the tongue, the patient is recommended to lessen or avoid camphor, menthol, coffee, raw garlic or onion or any strong smelling substances. These may work as antidotes to the homeopathic medicines.


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